Quantitative data analysis methods
Quantitative data analysis methods

Here is a tabular summary of qualitative vs.

  • People consider quantitative data to be more reliable and objective than qualitative data.
  • Quantitative data is structured for analysis purposes, while quantitative data is unstructured.
  • quantitative data analysis methods

    Qualitative data uses descriptive words and adjectives to refer to data. Quantitative data is measurable involving lengths, prices, amounts, etc.Quantitative data is objective, meaning it's based on facts, while qualitative data is more subjective and is therefore subject to interpretation and influence by feelings or opinions.Quantitative data is numerical in form, while qualitative data is more descriptive.Quantitative data yields conclusive results, while qualitative data is more exploratory.Quantitative data is collected and analyzed using statistics, while qualitative data is collected through observation.

    quantitative data analysis methods

    Here are seven differences between the two:

    quantitative data analysis methods

    For example, scientists may prefer quantitative data, while sociologists may prefer qualitative data. Some fields prefer one type of research to the other, depending on what they were looking for. There are some key differences between qualitative and quantitative research, mainly because their results are so different. What Is the Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research?

    Quantitative data analysis methods